
MaDvD-The Machachari actor and  former student of  k.i.m.c speaks to Buzz.

Did you ever think your role “Madvd” would get this big?

Never. It started just as any other role but it grew and I credit the producers and the writers because they came up with a really solid character.

The whole show is just amazing, there’s no character that’s above the other and that show’s just good the people behind it are.

How did you land the role?

I know Naomi Kamau (the producer) for a while so when the role came up, I was called for an audition which was tough and I got the role.

Madvd is a guy who sells DVDs, mans the slums’ washrooms and water point. He is a hustler, he can get you whatever you want for a small fee.

How tough was it considering it was your first acting gig?

It was crazy, I never thought I could act until two years ago but I must say the show’s director, Dereck Omfuoko was the one who nurtured me and installed the confidence needed to bring out my character as expected.

Naomi Kamau and Arabron have also helped nurture the actors by making the set friendly and they are willing to learn.

How unbelievable was it watching yourself for the first time?

I was very nervous. I didn’t know what to expect and this was on a national scale but I pulled it off well and my phone was blowing up from friends and family congratulating me.

How big a celebrity are you now?

I’m not into the whole celebrity life but I am now a familiar face and people are always saying hi and others just start laughing whenever they see me.


2 responses to “Kenyan

  1. diva bee

    August 17, 2011 at 14:28


  2. myactor

    August 18, 2011 at 10:43

    Thanx lots..i just thot we feature our young man Brayoo..


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