
Click for Full Image SizeLovelyn and prince OkojieIt is no longer news that sultry actress,Mercy Johnson will be walking down the aisles with her hearthrob,Prince Odianosen Okojie come August 27th,2011.

But received a shocking e-mail from a lady called Lovelyne Okojie who claims to be the legal wife of Prince Odianosen.

Below is the unedited e-mail we got from her with pictures to backup her claims.

i used to have a sweet home but now mercy johnson is trying to destroy my home,i’m Appealing to the world and whoever knows her to plz tell her to go luk 4a single man and leave my Husband Alone,am married to ds man and there’s never been any DIVORCED paper signed, we still legally married… i want the whole world to plz ask mercy johnson to live my Husband for me….Everybody should take note of dis, This Guy prince odianosen Okojie,he’s successful married with 2kids,… but @ the moment he is planning to wed mercy johnson, is dis fair? how on Earth can a woman wats to destroy anoda fellows woman home all in the name of Getting married despirately…plz lets try fight all the Husband snatchers..for more information plz do inbox me in via Email ***************** God Bless every individual’s homes…..From Lovelyn Okojie

We shall keep you posted as events unfold.

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She’s one of the very best in Nollywood and probably beyond, that is what Genevieve Nnaji is. she speaks on some issues relating to her career and the entertainment industry. Excerpts:

What inspires and motivates you in life?
Fear of failure. I am driven by fear of not achieving what I set out to achieve and not meeting my standards. I can be pretty hard on myself. I’m very competitive, so failure cannot be an option.

What is your ultimate goal?
I want to challenge myself, as an actress, some more. I don’t think I have reached my potentials. There is still a hunger in me. I am still not completely satisfied. I won’t stop until I get an Oscar.

If you could do it all again what would you do?
If I had it my way, I would love to be a model, but I don’t have the height. If I could start my career again, I would definitely go into the fashion world because I have been designing since primary school. But you can’t go back into time and the best thing about my job is that I get to dress up and pose all the time, just like a model!

You can be described as someone who is career-minded, ambitious and beautiful. However, you were also a teen mother, what advice would you give to other teen mums?
Thank you. I have never heard of that term, but I like to keep this part of my life private and I don’t like to talk about my daughter. But what I would say is, I completely believe in destiny. I think everybody has a dream and something they want to achieve, so you should never give up on yourself.

Learn to embrace everything life throws at you and learn to make everything work for you, even your mistakes. Do not give up on your dreams, as long as there is life, there is hope. When you have life, you should make the best of your time because life is too short.

You’ve been romantically linked with several people, are there any wedding bells in the future?
Yes, I am dating, but there won’t be any wedding bells, because I do want to get married. I am looking for someone who can keep me excited because I get bored easily. I need someone, who is there to support me, who is confident. I haven’t got the time to be massaging a man’s ego; he has to be confident in our relationship from the word-go.

Who is your ideal man?
We all want a handsome man, but ultimately, we want one that is good inside. But I would love to meet someone with a Johnny Depp personality and with Boris Kodjo’s lip.

What gets you out of bed in the morning?
The gym, a great work out! I am very restless in the morning, so the gym is somewhere I can get rid of tension. It gets me prepared, both mentally and physically for the rest of the day, which is usually long and tiring. I am not a screamer in the gym, but I like to zone out and plan my daily goals.

I don’t see anybody at that point in time. I go into my inner self and put on my earphone listening to music and meditate about my future. I’m what you call a deep thinker. I love to run the most and use the treadmill or steppers as I work mostly on my legs and thighs plus my stomach.

Do you see yourself as sexy and what’s the Favorited part of your body?
I like to think that I’m sexy, although I don’t always feel sexy. I think my waist is my best part. I like my waist because it’s small and neat and gives me my hourglass figure.

What has been your favourite role to date?
I have enjoyed playing all the characters in the movies I have done. The Mirror Boy was fun. Ije was another movie, which was great and challenging because it was shot in Hollywood among other Hollywood stars, but I would say my favourite to date is the Window of Glory, where I played the role of a blind girl. I really got into my character and learnt a lot about myself at the same time.

You have starred in more than 100 movies, are there any roles you have not played?
There are still many roles left in me. I’m prepared to try any new thing and challenging roles. I would do any role except porn, no amount of money can get my clothes off.

Finally, the world is your oyster, who would you like to star with?
Johnny Depp. I find him a very deep actor mostly because he represents what I represent; he acts for himself and picks out roles that he enjoys.

It’s not about the movie being commercial. He is acting for himself and picks out challenging characters to play. Acting should not be taken too seriously, it should be fun and he doesn’t take himself too seriously.

Sam Loco Dies.

wpid sam1 How Nigerian Actor Sam Loco Efe Died. Updates on His Death

Wednesday August 10, 2011 – How Nigerian Actor Sam Loco Efe Died. Updates on His Death

Additional information around the quick death of high profile Nollywood actor, Sam Loco Efe is now released. Based on the the info received from Mr Segun Arinze, The President of the Actors Guild of Nigeria, the late actor passed away during his sleep at a well-known hotel room in Owerri.

Sam’s family and friends began panicking when he didn’t respond to all his calls. The hotel manager was contacted which later prompted an order to force his hotel door opened. To their surprises, they found his lifeless body lying on the bed.
Though prior to his death, he’s said to have been complaining of heart seizure.

66 year-old Sam Loco previously checked-into the hotel room in an effort to commence the editing of his forthcoming movie titled “The Unknown Prophet”.
His corpse has been transferred to a teaching medical center in Owerri where an autopsy is set to be carried out in order to determine the exact cause of his death.


One response to “Nigerian

  1. diva bee

    August 17, 2011 at 14:38

    Genevive a true inspiration 🙂


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